Free VPN vs. Paid VPN – Which one is better?

We all love free stuff. But when it comes to services, such as hosting, IT support, or VPN services – we can most likely agree that you get what you pay for. Hence VPN accounts are no exception. Here are some of the advantages/disadvantages of both free and paid VPN services 1. VPN Protocols Most … Read more

5 things to look for when choosing a VPN Provider

There are several VPN providers out there and while their offers are pretty much in the same lanes as everybody else’s, there are some consideration and features that make some of those services stand out from the crowd. The following check list enumerates the top 5 features to look for when choosing your provider.

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5 reasons to use a VPN Account

1. Secure your internet traffic A VPN connection provides encryption between you and the VPN server, which means you can browse securely from an open WiFi network (fast food, restaurant, airport etc.) reducing the risk of data sniffing/interception by unauthorized folks. Always keep in mind that online passwords and authentication cookies can be easily stolen by attackers … Read more