How to access Hulu, Pandora and other streaming services without a VPN

Using a VPN or a proxy is probably the most popular way to access streaming services such as Hulu or Netflix from foreign countries, but there are other good methods to do so, and better yet – they are free!

Tunlr is a free service that is using DNS and a transparent proxy to allow anyone to access Hulu, Pandora, ABC, BBC iPlayer, Zatto and similar streaming services.
How does it work? You have to change your DNS server in Networking Settings and use Tunlr’s DNS server, which is (or alternate/secondary

When you make a request in your browser to access one of the locked streaming services, Tunlr‘s DNS server will point you to one of their own transparent proxy servers which will handle the request, so that the initial connection to the streaming service is made through Tunlr’s transparent proxy instead of your own IP. Only this authorization process is proxied through Tunlr’s servers until the streaming begins. The streaming process is done directly to/from your own PC/device, so the best part about this service is that the connection is not slowed down at all and you can enjoy full network speed streaming – something you usually don’t get from a VPN connection or a proxy.

Netflix seems to have blocked Tunlr’s service, but you can access other streaming services such as Hulu, Pandora,, ABC, CBS, BBC iPlayer, Zattoo. Check the full list

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